Wednesday, July 9, 2014

UntraMarines Stormraven



Thursday, July 3, 2014

Mice & Mystics

                                                                 Mice & Mystics

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

X-wing update

Added a few filters and extra weathering using some tamiya clear smoke today. Hope it's not too much, or too subtle for that matter

Eldar speed painted

Inspired by Phil's sexy looking scorpions and Clement's awesome yellow Orks, here's some eldar I speed painted in a couple of days. The wave serpent still needs the details and guns painting though.

The wave serpent after some airbrush treatment. The metal parts were painted using silver and metallic blue. Painted the cockpit and the inside of the cockpit canopy with an OSL effect using clear paints.

The serpent's shading looked nice but a bit too subtle for my liking with Eldar and plus the flames were sticking out like a sore thumb so I added an extreme highlight with vallejo Ice Yellow using my airbrush. Made a greater contrast between the shadows and the highlights and tied the blue flames and yellow surrounding together nicely.

Underside was highlighted from black using white and then layered with some minitaire ghost tints. Tried using these for some OSL type effects on the pink bits too...

Used these guardians as test subjects for some home made paints so each one is slightly different