Sunday, September 8, 2013

Fuel Extraction Planet - More Pics

Hi All,

No games this weekend, so a bit time to work on some terrains I had to finish and some I received by mail.
Since I finished the main Fuel Tank and the pipes sections, I spent time on this few things:

1/ Restoring old buildings.

I repainted these ruins I did few years ago to fit the rest of the table. 


2/ Paint the piles of barrels and crates.

I received these from Micro Art, a Polish supplier.
They are made of high density foam.
The quality is not outstanding, but they look great once painted.

3/ Paint the catwalks - Stairs.

These are made of laser cut wood, also from Micro Art.
They are a complete pain to assemble and not so strong, but again, they look stunning once set up.

These all fit well with the rest of the table!


Store Finder Shenzhen.

Adding on to D6 recent registration in the White Dwarf Publications, here is the link to its page on Games Workshop yellow pages:

Hope this will drive awareness to Warhammer and other games players

Monday, September 2, 2013

Saturday Tournament

Finally updating on the blog that was standing by since May.
Here are some pics and results from Saturday Warhammer 40 000 Tournament - 1500 Pts.

Line Up: James / Tim / Duncan / Chris / Fritz / Clem.

Game 1 :

Eldar VS Orks - Eldar Victory
Chaos VS Tau - Tau Victory
Imperial Guards VS Black Templar - BT Victory

Game 2:

Eldar VS Chaos - Eldar Victory
imperial Guards VS Tau - Tau Victory
Orks VS Black Templar - Orks Victory

Imperial Guards VS Black Templar

 Chaos VS Tau

Black Templar VS Orks

Eldar VS Orks